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Somalia announces nationwide athletics development program

Monday March 11, 2013 - 00:32:23 in Somali Athletics Federation by Super Admin
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    Somalia announces nationwide athletics development program

    Somali National Olympic committee and the country’s athletics federation held hours-long meeting in Mogadishu Saturday in which they raised very crucial agendas including the start of early preparations for the Rio 2016 world Olympic Games and

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Somali National Olympic committee and the country’s athletics federation held hours-long meeting in Mogadishu Saturday in which they raised very crucial agendas including the start of early preparations for the Rio 2016 world Olympic Games and a nationwide athletics development program.

The meeting which was the first of its kind gathered Somali Olympic committee president Abdullahi Ahmed Tarabi, Secretary General Duran Ahmed Farah, Somali Athletics Federation Senior vice president Khadija Aden Dahir, coaches and athletics experts who delivered constructive ideas about how to implement a complete athletics development program across the country.

Somali NOC secretary General Duran Ahmed Farah who talked to the media after the meeting explained the importance of the nationwide development program which he said will help Somalia have a big influence in the international athletics gatherings in the years to come.

“The meeting discussed entire sports development in Somalia, but Athletics was the main agenda of the meeting–we have gathered constructive ideas and suggestions from the experts in the meeting and I am hopeful that Somalia will enjoy theoutcome of the new initiative in the years to come” Secretary General Duran Ahmed Farah told the media in Mogadishu Saturday.

He said that Somalia now wants medals in future competitions rather than going for only participations. “The past two weeks Somalia won two medals in international taekwondo competitions held in Egypt and Belgium, this shows that we are once again back and Somalia can win medals after recovering from decades of conflicts” Secretary General Duran Ahmed Farah told the media.

He said that after long discussions and exchange of ideas the meeting agreed on the implementation of four main articles which are very important for the promotion of athletics across the country.

1-To make a nationwide awareness programs using the mass media in a bid to encourage youths to participate in athletics.

2-To be engaged in a talent identification program in and outside the country to try to find and collect the most talented athletes who can defend the country’s publicity.

3-To send full experienced coaches and experts to all regions across the country and to hold successive competitions to be able to select talented athletes and train them for future international competitions.

4-To prepare full accommodation and training grounds for the talented and physically fit athletes.

However the Somali NOC secretary General Duran Ahmed Farah noted he was very sure that Somalia will be able to score tangible victories in the international athletics gatherings if the program is fully implemented emphasizing that the sponsorships by Somali business companies was very important for such endeavour to be more successful.

By Shafi’i Mohyaddin Abokar

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