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Somali O Committee organises three days sports events at Olympafrica Centre in Mogadishu.

Sunday April 27, 2014 - 23:18:04 in Somali News by Super Admin
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    Somali O Committee organises three days sports events at Olympafrica Centre in Mogadishu.

    In a bid to encourage school children to participate more in sports activities and to seek out young talents within the country the Somali Olympic Committee has organized a three long days sports activities for 13-15 year olds from various schools in

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In a bid to encourage school children to participate more in sports activities and to seek out young talents within the country the Somali Olympic Committee has organized a three long days sports activities for 13-15 year olds from various schools in Somali capital, Mogadishu.

The events, held at Mogadishu’s Olympafrica Centre and supported by IAAF was attracted over 200 delighted boys and girls who competed variety of running, jumping and throwing and highlighted the development mission of NOCSOM, which is rising the number of young children taking part in sports activities and using sport to prevent crime and drug use.

The secretary of Somali Olympic Committee Mr Duran Farah who addressed the students at the end of the events has showed his gratitude to all supporters and the participants and said how happy he was to witness these magnificent daysfor the children of Mogadishu, who competed with huge smiles on their faces.

“As an organization it is part of our development strategy to identify and develop young Somali athletes with the help of our partners such as Olympafrica and IAAF, we also believe these types of events for school children is the right place to start and believe me what we have seen for the past three days were not disappointing but realistically encouraging” said the secretary

As the stability of the country as a whole and the capital in particular is fast improving the Somali Olympic Committee has doubled its efforts to organize training courses for its administrators, sports events for youth as well as extending the message of sport is not only competition but playing together with love and living together with respect.

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