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NOCSOM leaders are in Bangkog to attend the XIX ANOC General Assembly.

Wednesday November 05, 2014 - 18:18:59 in Somali News by Nocsom Editor
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    NOCSOM leaders are in Bangkog to attend the XIX ANOC General Assembly.

    The president and secatery general of the National Olympic Committee of Somalia Abdullahi Ahmed Tarabi and Duran Farah are in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand to attend the 19th ANOC General Assembly scheduled to be held from 6-8 of November 2014.

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The president and secatery general of the National Olympic Committee of Somalia Abdullahi Ahmed Tarabi and Duran Farah are in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand to attend the 19th ANOC General Assembly scheduled to be held from 6-8 of November 2014.

The Somali sports leaders will be part of the continental meeting that takes place on thursday where the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa "ANOCA" will listen presentations from various commissions and discuss the continents olympic movement and its working plan for the coming year.

On Friday the president and the secratery will attend the firs ANOC Award ceremony which will be  presented to athletes and NOC's leaders in recognitions for their achievements and hard work. Traditional performers representing each continental associations will perform in this Award ceremony which will be the first of its kind.  

During their stay in Bangkok the Somali Olympic leaders are expected to have meetings with ANOC executive members as well as world NOC representatives to update the Somali Olympic Committee's progress to revive and expand the olympic movement in this war torn country and outline the assistance they need to fulfill their objectives.

ANOC Award

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