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SNOC's senior officials visit national athletes training camp.

Saturday April 11, 2015 - 17:00:45 in Somali News by Nocsom Editor
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    SNOC's senior officials visit national athletes training camp.

    As the preparations for All African Games are underway in Somali capital, Mogadishu, high-ranking officials from Somali Olympic Committee have paid an unexpected visit to the training camp of the Somali athletes getting ready for the games.

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As the preparations for All African Games are underway in Somali capital, Mogadishu, high-ranking officials from Somali Olympic Committee have paid an unexpected visit to the training camp of the Somali athletes getting ready for the games.

The secretary General of Somali Olympic Committee Duran Farah who spoke to the athletes at Banadir Stadium said "We are here to oversee your training programmes and discuss with your coaches and managers for future training plans as well as the requirements that you may have to have a full consciousness.   It will be four months of hard work which I believe will be satisfactory period for your coaches to prepare you the biggest competition of the continent " .

The secretary also encouraged the athletes to take advantage of this highly regarded training programme, learn from their coaches who have been selected carefully by Somali Olympic Committee and Somali Athletics Federation for this development programme and show the rest of the continent what they are capable of.  
Nine Boys and three girls selected from the few Athletic Clubs in the country have been nurtured and receiving a very rigorous training that will continue for the next four months, the most promising athletes will then be selected to represent the country for the games.

The athlete’s preparation programme for Somali Olympic Committee focuses young athletes as they are possibly the only group that fits the long-term plans for the national committee and can be developed for the next four or five years.

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