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Ocean stars U-23 arrive in Kigali for 2016 Olympic Qualifier clash

Friday April 24, 2015 - 09:31:05 in Somali Football Federation by Nocsom Editor
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    Ocean stars U-23 arrive in Kigali for 2016 Olympic Qualifier clash

    Somalia's U-23 national squad, have arrived in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda after midnight over night on Thursday, ahead of their first leg qualifier clash against Rwanda on Saturday.

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Somalia's U-23 national squad, have arrived in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda after midnight over night on Thursday, ahead of their first leg qualifier clash against Rwanda on Saturday.

The team was received at the airport by officials from Rwandan FA and Somali FA executive, Amir Abdi Hassan, who arrived in Kigali a day before to help arrange the team’s accommodation.

The second leg will be staged in Nairobi, Kenya where Somali FA will use to host its home game, as the country’s National facility [Stadium Mogadishu] was not yet ready for use, because it hosts thousands of African Union peacekeepers. The second leg match will take place on 9thof May.

Before flying from Mogadishu’s Aden Abdulle International Airport, a farewell party was organized for the team at Villa Sultan restaurant which saw the presence of Somali government officials and as well as NOCSOM and SFF leaders.

Somali Football Federation Senior vice president, Ali Abdi Mohamed, who first addressed at the farewell party, urged the team to engage in huge efforts to try to score success for the nation.

"Your trip to Rwanda today is mainly to pave the way for your long way to Rio 2016, so to reach that goal we need every one of you to work as double” the senior vice president told the national team members, before welcoming Somali National Olympic committee secretary General, Duran Ahmed Farah, to the platform.

The NOCSOM official said that more than two decades of bloodshed in the country, sporting associations made the Somali flag wave over international sporting gatherings and despite difficulties this would mean that Somalia was still sharing something with the rest of the world.

"I know how painful it is that your home game will be taking place in another country, but bear in mind that you will one day host other national teams at home. You are all national ambassadors, because you are carrying the Somalia flag on your shoulders and I wish you to win” the Somali NOC secretary General told the team during his address.

Somali FA president, Abdiqani Said Arab, added that Somali government’s commitment to help football promotion in the country was a huge encouragement for the federation and the national team as well.

"It is an honor for the SFF that our minister who recently resumed office is always alongside us and his participation of this farewell ceremony today costs a lot to both the federation and the national team members” Somali Football Federation (SFF) president Abdiqani Said Arab noted.

"The president of the nation, Professor Hassan Sheik Mahmoud, the minister for youth and sport and other key government officials have several times visited Stadium Banadir and watched games—this is a clear example for how our government officials are football-loving” the SFF boss explained.

He suggested that the Somali FA and the ministry for youth and sport join hands to create a better life for the country’s current and old football players whom he said had sacrificed themselves for the promotion of football in the country during decades of lawlessness.

"Honorable minister, here in front of you I want to thank the two Ugandan coaches, who came to the country to train our team. They are hardworking people and they spent much time and energy to train the boys” SFF president noted during his address.

Somalia’s minister for youth and sports, Mr. Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan, who finally addressed at the team’s farewell party, thanked the Somali FA for its huge efforts to promote football in the country, while urging the team members to engage in fair play during the matches.

"Today you are leaving abroad for an international match and you will experience one of three things which are: either to win, to draw or lose, but the most important advice I am giving you is to do fair play… fair play… fair play” the minister said adding that football is all about brotherhood, friendship, peace, development and integration of communities.

"Somali government is always with you whether you win or lose” the minister told the country’s U-23 squad before they traveled to Rwanda on Wednesday.

The 20-member national team is lead by three coaches who are:Mbabazi Charles, head coach [Uganda], Saleh Farah Mohiyadin, assistant coach [Somalia] andJames Magala[Uganda] goalkeeper trainer.

By Shafi’i Mohyaddin Abokar

CECAFA Media Committee


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