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IOC president felicitates Somali NOC boss for retaining office

Saturday January 28, 2017 - 09:34:13 in Somali News by Nocsom Editor
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    IOC president felicitates Somali NOC boss for retaining office

    The president of Somali National Olympic Committee, Abdullahi Ahmed Tarabi, has received a letter of goodwill and felicitations from the president of the International Olympic Committee, Mr. Thomas Bach, who wished the re-elected boss of Somalia'

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The president of Somali National Olympic Committee, Abdullahi Ahmed Tarabi, has received a letter of goodwill and felicitations from the president of the International Olympic Committee, Mr. Thomas Bach, who wished the re-elected boss of Somalia's top sports-governing body and his committee a successful new term in office.

"It is my pleasure to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on your re-election on 7 January 2017 as president of the Somali Olympic Committee. On behalf of the IOC, I wish you very success in your future activities to promote and develop the Olympic movement in your country, in the interest of sport and the athletes” read the congratulatory letter which dated on 26thof January.

In his letter, IOC president, Mr. Thomas Bach, promised the continuation of the world body’s cooperation and assistance to Somali NOC to help it promote a successful sport in the country.

"The International Olympic Committee looks forward to continuing its fruitful collaboration. As always, you can count on the IOC’s full support to assist your NOC in performing its mission and daily activities in accordance with the values and principles which govern the Olympic movement” IOC president, Mr. Thomas Bach said in his congratulatory letter.

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