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Somali FA concludes FIFA youth refereeing course

Sunday May 07, 2017 - 12:52:30 in Somali Football Federation by Nocsom Editor
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    Somali FA concludes FIFA youth refereeing course

    Somali Football Federation (SFF) has on Saturday [May, 6] concluded a 5-day youth refereeing course under the auspices of The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).

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Somali Football Federation (SFF) has on Saturday [May, 6] concluded a 5-day youth refereeing course under the auspices of The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).


At the end of the event some 24 young age referees who passed in all sessions of the training course were awarded with their certificates and were told to be prepared for the 2017 edition of the Domestic youth football league which is scheduled to kick off on 18th of May.


This was the second course of its kind that FIFA awarded with Somalia for the past six months after the world body witnessed that Somalia made significant progresses relating to the youth development after its first course held in the country in November 2016.



"FIFA is very much pleased with the youth development in Somalia and that is why Somalia has been awarded with the second course for youth referees. This course is part of the preparations for the second Domestic youth league which we are going to start soon, while we know some countries haven’t yet organized a single youth league” course instructor, Ali Mohamed Ahmed told the closing ceremony.


"To participate in a course makes no difference, but the most important thing is that you accordingly practice what you have learned in the field of play during competitions. Every one of you is an ambassador and we want you to pass your knowledge to other colleagues in your home States” he said.


Referee Warsame Ahmed Gaabshe from the Puntland State of Somalia who spoke on behalf of course participants said "First I would like to thank Somali Football Federation for the organization of such courses every year. I am fully delighted to have attended at such high level course and I promise to exercise what I have learned back in my region”




The FIFA youth refereeing course for Somalia was conducted by International technical instructor, Ali Mohamed Ahmed, and was assisted by local fitness instructor, Abdi Abdulla Ahmed (Baasaale). This was the second time in history that Somali nationals have been able to conduct a FIFA level course, while previously FIFA used to send foreign instructors to teach Somalia.




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